Friday 11 June 2010

How to Get FREE TrafficTo Your Website or Blog

How to get free traffic to your website or blog is something we all want to know - let's be honest, it's like money - you can't get enough of it, and traffic is no exception - without traffic we are all dead in the water.

Cheap As Chips but not as fattening! my first traffic tip - the email signature

My first traffic tip is extremely easy to do but very effective - how many people do we email every day? 10, 20, 100?

By adding a SIMPLE - but effective! Couple of lines to the bottom of each email can work wonders - your respondent will read your email then either choose to click on your link to your website in your signature at the bottom of the email or ignore it

But you can get your 2 or 3 line message across to anyone you email - FREE!

All you do is think of a line or 2 for your sales message, perhaps FREE eBook - How to get FREE Traffic - Grab yours NOW!!, then on the next line set up a link to your website - this is easy to do, you go into your email program.

Select tools, select options, and then select signature (options may vary with different email programs)' now either add the URL (address) to your website or in some email programs the editor will allow you to do a clickable link (hyperlink)

That's all their is to it - create your email signature for the entire world to see (well, your contacts anyway) all free, but very, very effective.

My next traffic tip on how to get free traffic to your website or blog is in forum marketing.

Forum Marketing is an absolute favourite of mine - ok, it may take a while to get a flood of traffic but how about a few drips each day... LOL!

I simply join good forums in my niche, not just any old forum, you want to join forums with plenty of people in them, I would say if you wanted a number - 20,000 people or more, now don't go in and start spouting about your website or new super product, it wont work and will just get you a reputation as a spammer - you need to ease yourself in gently and offer value to the forum.

In your forum profile you have a chance to tell them what a nice person you are and also you add a nice photo so they can see you are human... and you also add a signature, this will be seen at the bottom of your post, so go ahead, answer some questions, start some interesting topics,

Offer some great advice and some good information - add value to the forum and people will respond by reading your information and your signature at the bottom of each post.

My third free traffic tip is to subscribe to many blogs in your niche, and to reply to the posts with good sound advice - this in turn will allow you to include your website URL, which people will click on to go to your site, now you are creating links back to you & your website or squeeze page or even your blog.

When you respond to questions or posts on blogs, don't just say, "yup good post" or "thanks for the info", write some detailed & useful information that other people will find interesting, people pass these articles & replies on all the time, if you offer good information, people will respond positively with an interest in you and what you are doing

Now I hope you have enjoyed these traffic tips because I have something even better for you below and you will want to know this valuable information, it's a great free eBook for you and you are going to LOVE it, I promise - you can create your own web pages to drive all this lovely free traffic to

It's an absolute doddle, believe me if I can do it, anyone can

I love to write articles on Internet Marketing, I live in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, England - I know you love the Internet as much as me and we are in this to make our hobby as profitable as possible.

This FREE eBook is for you, "Create Your First Website by 3.45 This Afternoon, my gift to you, after all, it's no good having all this free traffic pointing to nothing.. why not create your own web pages, it really is that simple, I do it and save a ton of money

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