Thursday 27 May 2010

Top Tips To Become Successful With Forum Marketing!

Be positive.

People naturally gravitate to positive people. Post positive sounding posts. Don't get personal about other users (even if you don't agree with them) or products/services you don't personally like. Everyone is trying to grow or create their business -- it pays to be nice.

Visit your forum every day and contribute. Get a reputation for being helpful. Try and give back when you can -- rather than asking for help/advice all the time.

Don't be scared. Ask questions. Get involved. Don't be shy. Even if you are brand new -- say that. Introduce yourself. Very quickly you WILL build up a supportive network on online friends.

Never post an ad on a forum!

Create a 'stand out' signature file. A signature file is what you use to 'sign off' your posts with. You can often make them as eye catching as possible. Be always on the lookout for people who you can connect with. Maybe they have a service that would help you market your site or maybe they are just fun people to get to know. Maybe they would benefit from your encouragement.

Forums are a lot of fun. You may get many leads from people who respond to your question publicly - or they may contact you privately through the forum (known as a PM - personal Message).

Sign up for as many forums as you can handle but try and spend no more than half an hour every day at your forum. Forums can get very addictive, and eat up a lot of your time. I log on once a day, maybe answer a few posts, maybe post a few, then log out. Except for course for my own forum - where I am for on average about 4 hours a day - answering questions and posts.

If you find someone who you think (from reading their posts) would be a good person to approach to suggest helping each other to grow your respective business - send them a Personal Message. Just say hi. Mention that you enjoy reading their posts and would like to be friends.

Remember - the web is called the web for a reason - it's all about connecting people. A forum is a great opportunity to find like minded individuals online.

Learn How To Create Your Own Website by 3.45 This Afternoon - Free eBook

Thursday 20 May 2010

Do You Class Yourself As An Internet Marketing Junkie ?

Do you crave the HOT INFO? - must you have all the latest e-books & courses

Boy, did I get roped in to all the hype about Internet Marketing, I don't know about you but I must have applied for just about every Internet Marketing wonder system on the planet and then the world and his neighbour start emailing you with their GET RICH QUICK wonder systems.

All I wanted to do was make money on the Internet, starting part time to run alongside my job and hopefully to make it a full time business once I got going.

Article Marketing, Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, List Building, Social Marketing on Twitter, Facebook & Youtube, the list of things to learn seemed endless, how was I ever going to get my head around this lot - are you getting shipwrecked in a sea of information ?

97% of people who go into Internet Marketing fail, i'm sure it's because of the overwhelming amount of information that we get pushed down our throats when attempting to start this business.

When I first started, I did not have a road map, or guide to help me, I only knew that I wanted to make money online, their were just so many ways of doing this that
I got totally confused with it all, talk about head banging, my head was set to explode.

It started to become a chore but I knew that, as with any business their had to be a better way of doing something other than the 99% of people selling their latest wonder systems were telling me.

Then it hit me like light bulb, find out who had the best reputations to teach this Internet business and stick with them only, but only if their products were teachable to a newbie like me, it should have video step by step tutorials, and show me everything I needed to know.

I scoured the Internet, I looked up all the reviews & reports, I spent days (and nights) in a permanent daze

Now, thankfully I'm on my way to a better life and you can be too, but don't do what everyone else tells you, don't think it's all about selling loads of products to loads of people because it isn't - in this modern age, with the benefits of social marketing, you need to nurture people, not treat them like cyber cash machines.

You need to form ongoing relationships, give those people as much free & useful information as you can, build up that relationship before trying to sell to them.

And now, I will do the same for you - Enjoy FREE 26 Video's Worth $197.00 How to Be Successful In Internet Marketing

Sunday 16 May 2010

How Would You Describe Your Leadership ?

" Successful leaders see the opportunities in every difficulty rather than the difficulty in every opportunity."
Reed Markham

How To Make Money From Your Own Home Based Business: What Makes A Successful Leader ?

Saturday 15 May 2010

You Have to Want Something Badly Enough

The first thing that will contribute to reaching your goal is that you simply want to reach it badly enough.
You must learn how to desire with sufficient intensity to be successful.

If you have the desire you have the power to attain success. You can really have anything you want in life if you go after it. But you have to want it.

As a drowning soul desires air, as a shipwrecked person craves fresh water, so must you feel that intense, eager, insistent, demanding, ravenous desire for your success.

Your desire for success must be so strong within you that it becomes the very breath of your life. It must be your first thought when you wake up, and your last thought when you go to bed at night.

You can have anything you want if you go after it with intensity.

How To Make Money From Your Own Home Based Business: Set Goals You Want Badly Enough

Thursday 13 May 2010

How to Make Facebook An Instant Money Making Cash Machine

You haven't heard of Facebook ? Wow, you must have either been marooned on a desert island or living under a rock. Facebook is a site that has set the social networking market on fire and raised the bar for all other sites.

With near 500 million active users and an Alexa traffic rank of 2 it is one of the most popular sites on the Internet with hundreds of millions of page views every single day.

Facebook is a tool that can help you to boost your business not only by making sales but by keeping in touch with your market and customer base. It's a great way to build a reputation within a niche and to generate a list of targeted potential customers (friends).

Facebook is primarily set up as a social networking site for regular people to interact, but they have recognised the fact that businesses are interested in using it and actively encourage them to do so with a host of applications and features designed to help you market your web presence.
How can you make Facebook work for you and your business?

Firstly you need to create an account. You really need to separate out your personal and your business accounts as you don't want the two to cross over. This can cause embarrassment if you are posting personal things and your potential customers view them.

Some people don't censor what they post on their own accounts and it can alienate potential customers.

Start a different Facebook account for each new niche you intend to work with. If you try and work in multiple niches with the same Facebook account you will have trouble retaining friends because many of your updates will not be relevant to them.
Your profile needs to be very good. It has to grab people's attention and make them want to be your friend. So, give it a great personality make over and make it personable. If people don't feel they can like you from seeing your profile, they won't add you as a friend.

You also need a picture on your profile. This will certainly help attract friends. You can either use one of yourself if you are working in your name or a stock photo or other picture if you are marketing with a pseudonym. Remember that the photo needs to be something that will draw people in and make it relevant to your niche. If you are looking to attract people who own dogs then a profile picture of you (or someone) with a dog will draw in a lot more friends.

Make sure that you complete all of your profile as well and make it keyword rich (without spamming) and attractive to potential new friends.

Once this is all set up you can start adding friends. Search for your keywords and add friends who are active and well known in that niche.

Once you have done this you can start adding their friends to your list and sooner or later many of their friends will start adding you when they see you in their suggested friends list. Remember that Facebook does have a limit to the number of accounts you can add every day so don't go wild!

Another good technique for making Facebook work for you is to create your own group of join groups relating to your niche. This allows you to interact with people who are in the niche and market yourself and your business.

If you own a blog then remember that you can syndicate your RSS feed from your blog into your profile. This can be very handy to help you build a great reputation and provide content to your friends. When you update your blog it will show in your Facebook profile, which means you could get more people through to your blog too.

Facebook is a valuable tool for any online business person and one that many marketers overlook due to lack of time or mis-understanding. Start using Facebook and adding friends and you may be surprised by how this can improve your online business and help you not only make sales but build a relationship and a long term sustainable business.

Of course you can also market your products on Twitter, Twitter has this huge following and is an ideal place
to post your thought and messages, known as Tweets - but would you literally like Thouisands & Thousands of Twitter followers on Auto Pilot ?  You would ?  Click Here

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Alex Fortune Formulas - Quote of the day 12/5/2010

''We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. '' - Marianne Williamson